Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Response to badgirlbeingbad's blog on being too religious...

I agree with what was said in this blog about the problem of religion being forced on to people. Personally I'm not religious although I do beleive in some greater force out there, also that there maybe something more after death. Who knows! Anyway, one of my main views on religion is the same as that shared in this blog. I beleive that religion is something that is an entirely personal choice and no one should have it forced on them. This is why I am totally against religion being taught in schools. I'm not sure if poloicies have changed today but looking back at my school days it makes me feel very unsettled. To me, if a childs parents are religious and they want their children to follow the same beliefs it is their perogative to teach them, not a schools. Its was almost a form of brainwashing. There was no talk of "if this is what you choose to believe" or "this is how christians believe the world was created". Everything was taught as fact, to children too young to even question the feasability of it. Cumpulsory teachings that never took into account how the children listening would be affected.

If you want to know more about religion or perhaps want to know which one is right for you, check out

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