In this blog
http://balebale88.blogspot.com/ bale bale talks about how smoking is not a particularly bad thing in relation to drinking excessively or taking drugs. Also that smokers are aware of the health risks before they start and it is their choice. The problem I have with this is that non-smokers have also chosen not to smoke because of these health risks (as well as other issues) but are still subjected to it by others that smoke around them. Yes drinking excessively and taking drugs isn't clever however it is only harming the person that is doing it and no-one else. Unless of course the person becomes violent as a result of the drink or drugs, but that's another story! Ultimately smoking is the only habit I can think of that not only harms the person doing it but also anybody else close by. It is a smoker's choice to inhale toxic fumes if they so wish but it is also the choice of a non-smoker to not have it subjected on to them. The majority of people do not want their health jeapordised by the actions of others.
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