Thursday, 19 April 2007

Virginia Tech...

By now all of us would have heard and witnessed the news on the tragic massacre at Virginia Tech. To be honest I can't decide what I'm more shocked about. The fact that a crazed student was able to gun down so many of his peers so mercilessly, or that the university didn't tell students to stay away after the first two shootings?! I don't believe there is any way the first two shootings could have been prevented. They were tragic but Cho Seung-Hui was clearly psychotic and would have found any means to follow through with his plan. However, the university has blood on its hands for not informing students of the clear and present danger that threatened them. Surely its common sense to put the uni on AUTOMATIC LOCKDOWN when two people have been murdered and the gunman is still ON THE LOOSE. For some unknown reason students were not told to stay away. Classes were not cancelled and many students strolled into Virginia Tech on Monday completely oblivious to the earlier murders. I understand that it would have been pretty impossible to get a message to every student at the university. But to not tell students to stay away in the first email that was sent out following the first 2 murders is inexcusable to me. If this had been done there is no way of telling how many students would have seen this email and stayed safe at home. Perhaps if it had at least one of the fallen could have been saved. We will never know. All that is left are the broken hearts of 32 families and a university in mourning. Perhaps this will at last be the wake up call to a nation that their lacks gun laws finally need to be changed? Will a completely idiotic president step up, finally make a change for the better and leave a positive legacy for his 'beloved' country? I sincerely doubt it...

Ross Abdallah Alameddine
Brian Roy Bluhm

Ryan Christopher Clark

Austin Michelle Cloyd

Matthew Gregory Gwaltney

Caitlin Millar Hammaren

Jeremy Michael Herbstritt

Emily Jane Hilscher

Matthew Joseph La Porte

Jarrett Lee Lane

Henry J. Lee

Liviu Librescu

Partahi Mamora Halomoan Lumbantoruan

Lauren Ashley McCain

Daniel Patrick O'Neil

Juan Ramon Ortiz-Ortiz

Minal Hiralal Panchal

Daniel Alejandro Perez

Michael Steven Pohle, Jr.

Julia Kathleen Pryde

Mary Karen Read

Reema Joseph Samaha

Waleed Mohamed Shaalan


Ridiculously easy

1 comment:

Django said...

Yo fish boy. I've commented on this on my blog. Sorry.
Love & Peace,
Alfredo. XXX